About the Artist

& Mother

Maria Fuller is a Creative polymath and a passion driven entrepreneur. She first picked up a camera in 2009 and launched her business shortly after. After taking a few years sabbatical to launch Raising A Powerful Girl, an online education and community platform that connects professionals from all over the world to parents raising girls to educate and empower them on their parenting journey with the goal of fostering Independence, Leadership and Strong Personal Identity in Girls so they can change the world, she is once again behind the camera using it as one of many tools to empower and celebrate women, especially mothers, and girls of all ages. 

Maria Graduated from Stony Brook University Medical Center with a BS in Health Science, minor in Emergency and Disaster Management and concentration in Women Studies. She holds a Certificate from MIT in Leadership in Times of Disruption, a Certificate in The Science of Parenting from UC SanDiego and a Micro Masters in the Science of Happiness from University of California, Berkeley.

She runs an iTunes top 10 podcast in over 30 countries called Raising a Powerful Girl. Her work has been featured on Google and Yahoo news, the Rachel Ray show and numerous online publications. Maria has spent more than a decade working with women of all ages to help shed unhealthy beliefs and breakdown stereotypes surrounding pregnancy, motherhood, body image, self-esteem, parenting, women in leadership and much more. She is a frequent speaker and presenter on women’s leadership, girls' empowerment and the role social media and technology play in children's self-esteem, confidence, and brain health.  Maria is on the Advisory Board for a local University's Communication & Media Department where she offers feedback and suggestions on how current curriculum and courses meet the skill sets present in today’s communication and media industries and the impact it has on children and brain health. Maria is also the former Director of Development of an alternative education center for homeschoolers whose mission is to bring hands-on, Creative, individualized learning streams to each child while meeting them at their level to give them space to grow into happy Citizens of the World. 

Maria is a mom to two amazing girls Alexa, 15 and Arya 10 and lives  on a lazy river in Southbury Ct with her Husband Robert who she met at 18, her German Shepherd and 2 cats.